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When Is A Deep Dental Cleaning Needed?

When Is A Deep Dental Cleaning Needed?

A deep dental cleaning is a great way to improve your periodontal health, particularly for patients who have periodontitis (an advanced form of gum disease). The following is a review of when a deep dental cleaning (also called a scaling and root planing) might be recommended. The most notable signs that indicate a need for deep…

How Many Implants Are Needed For Lower Implant Supported Dentures?

How Many Implants Are Needed For Lower Implant Supported Dentures?

Considering implant supported dentures? This hybrid tooth replacement option is one that provides patients with stability and a natural-looking smile. Implant supported dentures can be used to replace teeth on the upper or lower arch. In the event that the lower arch of teeth needs to be replaced, patients are often curious about how many…